May 2022 Newsletter

Our May 4 2022 Meeting was held at the Scottsdale Senior Center, room 8. There were 21 attendees. Club members present voted on two items. The revised Operating Guidelines were unanimously approved. The second item was election of our four elected officers. Club members present voted unanimously for Dolf Strom President, Ken Krieger Vice President, Recording Secretary Mark Steele and Treasurer Jim Brink.

Our featured speaker was Katherine Gudgel, Gudgel Professional Services, ( The subject was Scams we need to be aware of. Our vice president Ken thanked Katie for the very fine presentation. There was a lot of very good information in the material presented and one of the most important was “slow down”. Do not rush if you get called by a scammer. Legitimate inquiries are most likely to correspond via mail, not phone calls or email.  Very basic, but usually overlooked at the moment.

Further news include an increase in dues this fall, a big change to the Scholarship Foundation, and the announcement of our next meeting this October 5, 2022.